Friday, January 30, 2009

Welcome to Colorado…now go home ;-)

I know why I love it here. After spending the past (3) years in Boston (which has its own charm) it’s so good to be home again. Every day I get to wake up to some of the most incredible panoramic views on the planet. From the sunrise to the east to the most colorful western sunsets I’ve ever had the pleasure to witness. God has an amazing paintbrush and truly gets creative in our skies. All this talk about the views is one thing, but another is we get to actually enjoy His playground. From Garden of The Gods (bring your camera), and hiking for every skill level, to some of the most welcoming powder on world-class ski areas. It’s a truly wonderful place to live and I feel blessed to be here.

That said; it seems our little secret has been exposed to the masses as Denver was voted as the Top City in which Americans would like to live.

Suffice it to say, the parties over.

Granted, it’s not all bad. I’m certainly proud of our state. And with all things good, it’s no wonder other people would like it here. I hope with the popularity, it brings an influx of jobs. Think about it large CA companies, with your economy tanking, tax breaks shrinking (I even heard rumors of IOUs instead of tax refunds), and real-estate costs grossly inflated; it might make more sense to relocate.

However, please be aware of the baggage you bring with you. Leave your economic and political policies in earthquake country please. Leave you little plastic water bottles at home, our water is great to drink right out of the tap and we’d like to keep it that way; be kind to our environment and it will be kind to you.

If you can’t abide by these simple rules, then stay home, we are content with or without you.

Thanks for visiting…have a nice day!