Bobby thank you for being a voice of reason!
“Louisiana's young, charismatic governor, Bobby Jindal, who was delivering the televised GOP response to the Democratic president, exhorted fellow Republicans to be Obama's "strongest partners" when they agree with him. But he signaled that won't happen much, calling Democrats in Congress "irresponsible" for passing the $787 billion stimulus package that Republicans have criticized as excessive and wasteful.
"The way to lead is not to raise taxes and put more money and power in hands of Washington politicians," Jindal said, according to excerpts of his remarks released by the Republican Party. "Who among us would ask our children for a loan, so we could spend money we do not have, on things we do not need?"
While we are all still observing the swift/bold/scare tactics used by our current administration, a shooting star is emerging among us; Enter Bobby Jindal.
Conservatives, check him out. Here’s some basic info on where he stands on some of our hot-button issues:
Abortion and stem cell research
Jindal has a 100% pro-life voting record according to the National Right to Life Committee. He does not condemn medical procedures meant to save the life of a pregnant woman that would indirectly cause the termination of the pregnancy. Jindal also supports the use of emergency contraception in the case of rape. He opposes embryonic stem cell research and voted against increasing federal funding to expand embryonic stem cell lines.
Same-sex marriage
Jindal opposes the legalization of same-sex marriage, and has voted for the Federal Marriage Amendment to restrict marriage to a union between one man and one woman. In December 2008, Jindal announced the formation of the Louisiana Commission on Marriage and Family, including individuals representing organizations that oppose same-sex marriage, including Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, Gene Mills, the executive director of the Louisiana Family Forum and Mike Johnson, senior legal counsel for the Alliance Defense Fund.
Civil liberties
Jindal voted yes on making the PATRIOT Act permanent, voted in favor of the 2006 Military Commissions Act, supported a constitutional amendment banning flag burning, and voted for the Real ID Act of 2005. Jindal has an "A" rating from Gun Owners of America.
He was a member of the conservative Republican Study Committee. In 2006, Jindal voted with the Republican Caucus 97 percent of the time during the 109th Congress.
Intelligent design
Jindal supports the teaching of intelligent design creationism in public schools and signed the Louisiana Academic Freedom Act in 2008 despite calls for a veto from groups as diverse as the ACLU, the National Review, the Roman Catholic Church, and Jindal's own biology professors at Brown University.
Crime and punishment
On June 25, 2008, Jindal signed the "Sex Offender Chemical Castration Bill", authorizing the chemical castration of those convicted of certain sex offenses.
Personally, I'm in favor of rusty knife castration of all convicted sex offenders, but in a new era of 'political correctness' I'll support chemical castration ;-)
Bobby, you rock!
Jindal supports the teaching of intelligent design creationism in public schools and signed the Louisiana Academic Freedom Act in 2008 despite calls for a veto from groups as diverse as the ACLU, the National Review, the Roman Catholic Church, and Jindal's own biology professors at Brown University.
Why do you think "Jindal's own biology professors at Brown University" think teaching intelligent design in a biology classroom is a bad idea? Could it be because intelligent design is a childish belief in magic? Do you think there's anything scientific about magic? Do you think biology teachers want to teach your religious beliefs, or do you think they would rather quit their jobs?
You're not just stupid. You're sick in the head. Please move to Iran.
Sick in the head? I'm assuming you are a Doctor Bobxxx to provide such a profound evaluation of my psyche? Perhaps I am sick for having a morally based value system and a Christian Worldview. I can tell you this, if the government keeps pushing for more and more 'power', and mortgaging our children's future through uprecedented spending, Iran may not look like too bad of an alternative; save the islamic extremism and all. Heck, the persecutution I'll receive there for being a Christian will at least make sense.
It seems you've touched a sore spot. The teaching of evolution is to be protected in spite of the gross lack of evidence. After all, how else can you cling to humanism if you must acknowledge God as creator?
Sore spot indeed, you know how hard it is to get a visa for travel to Iran? sheesh. ;-)
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